Friday 10 July 2015

Will the markets gap for a third week in a row at market open?

Dear  Traders

Will the markets gap for a third week in a row at market open?

EU leaders have issued an ultimatum to the Greek government, ‘reach an agreement with your creditors or face crashing out of €uro’
Alexis Tspiras has made a three year proposal and it looks as if Germany are bowing to pressure to avoid a disastrous rupture to monetary union.
It is acknowledged that Greece’s public debt, 180% of GDP, can never be repaid and German Chancellor Angela Merkel said “a classic haircut” is out of question.

If you look at the FX option market, volatility has fallen, are investors missing the point that the GREXIT could happen this week end?

Below is the time line for the next 72 hours

Athens have formally submitted a request for a three year bailout. The two previous bail outs where submitted before the ESM (European Stability Mechanism) even existed. The European Commission in liaison with the ECB must evaluate this request in 24hours.

Under the ESM treaty, the ESM’s board of governors (the Eurozone’s 19 finance ministers) decide whether formal negotiations should begin.
If there are grounds for progression the trio of bailout monitors – the ECB, the European Commission and IMF - will develop a ‘memorandum of understanding’. This title may be changed as it presently stands for the austerity measures that the Greek people are living under.

If the Eurozone’s finance minister agree to commence bail out talks this summit may not be needed. However if no deal has been struck, leaders from all 28 EU countries will be summoned to Brussels to sort out the mess. There is a humanitarian relief programme that may be required for fuel, food and medicine.

If a deal has been approved by the finance ministers then parliamentary approval will be need before permission is officially granted
If no deal has been agreed then the ECB governing council will convene to withdraw the €89bn and the GREXIT will ensue

I hope this helps your understanding of the events. 

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