Monday 2 November 2015

The Saudi Spending Phenomenon - Will It Ever Stop?

Ladies & Gentlemen,

All Market eyes have been eyeing up Oil Prices, some are calling a further slump in 2016 and others are a bit more optimistic (seeking the $50 mark). However, with these lower prices, how has the World's biggest Oil player reacted & will it really hurt the Saudi Economy?

You would of actually never of guessed there to be an Oil slump from the shine of the Saudi economy and that is no accident, it is Saudi (well-planned) policies in action. The wealth from the Oil revenues has been shared and the public have firmly supported the Al Saud family, even as turmoil beckons on the horizon.

The IMF predicts that within 5 years, the Kingdom will run out of Financial Assets... But is that really true (raised eyebrow)? In theory, if they continue to spend at the rate they are & Oil prices remain low, then yes! However, they currently stand at a (Positive) 100% net cash : GDP ratio & if you look at a Country like Japan, who's net:GDP is -200%, I begin to differ with the IMF. Saudi literally are operating with no debt.

figure : Bloomberg source

Can this be protected for the Future? What if Oil prices continue to fall? I think you will start to see Saudi Arabia slowly decrease their heavy military contracts & begin opening their Economy up to foreign investment, by way of issuing Government debt or opening investment into Saudi stocks. More recently, the Saudi government to pull in about $70bn from Equity markets to begin adding more liquidity within their own markets -  "Welcome world to the Tadawul".

We could also see (like Qatar) a higher increase in Western Property purchases... Again another indication for potentially more spending.

Saudi issuing Debt? Really? How friendly would that be? Honestly speaking (ok - be careful here Anish #whips...) The country has been caged about opening it's Markets to the World and if done, would be extremely gradual, as they drift away from traditions. Most Governments generally support their Economy, by way of tax receipts.
However, over the past 3-4 decades, Saudi has been funded with Oil receipts.

Reality Check.. Oil still costs $3 to get out of the ground and with current production levels, Saudi are still generating $300-400bn from Oil revenues alone (at least)!

It looks like the Saudi powerhouse is only going to get stronger, especially as Investors from around Asia flock in. The next 5-10 years will be critical for the Kingdom, to really impose its strength as the World's largest Economy, alongside China.

Trade Smarter & Best of Luck for the week ahead.

Best wishes
Anish @ Atom8FX

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