Wednesday 2 December 2015

Draghi's ECB Dilemma

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Tomorrow, Thursday 3rd December at 12.45 GMT the ECB make a rate announcement and then at 13:30 GMT hold a press conference.

These events are eagerly anticipated as changes to both ECB policy and the Inflation outlook are expected.

On the Policy front the changes that could take place to interest rates are outlined below:-
(Source Bloomberg)

Deposit Finance Rate
Refinancing Rate
Marginal Lending facility

On the Quantitative Easing front the options are:-

  • 1)      Size extension, a larger amount each month.
  • 2)      Time extension, buying the same amount for a longer period.
  • 3)      Both of the above

Now that the Policy options have been set out, let’s look at the inflation outlook. Presently 11 member countries have negative CPI inflation these are Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain. We would like to draw your attention to a recent Mario Draghi Statement “we will do what we must to raise inflation as quickly as possible.” Recent concerns are that households have started to adopt a disinflationary mind-set and this is clearly something that policymakers want to avoid.

As you can see there are a lot of possibility and there has been a lot of speculation. Reuters put out an article on the 25th November detailing a “two tiered” depo rate as a policy option. At the October Meeting Mario Draghi made it very clear that the degree of monetary policy accommodation would need to be reassessed in December, this statement was further backed up in a speech he made on 20th November “If the General Council conclude that the balance of risks to our medium term price stability objective is skewed to the downside we will act by using all the instruments available within our mandate”. Reiterating that the asset purchase programme is powerful and flexible instrument that can be adjusted in terms of size, composition or duration to achieve a more expansionary stance.
In the Q&A session Draghi indicated that a further cut to the depo rate was one of the measures for consideration.

I continue to believe that Mario Draghi will maintain his bearish stance and the there is a possibility of further forward guidance and the distinct possibility of a rate cut and more QE, we prefer to sell rallies in EUR/USD and would like to highlight the divergence in rhetoric from the ECB compared to the Federal Reserve. Other recent bearish EUR stories include the reduction in weightings that EUR holds in the new IMF Special Drawing Requirements (SDR). This is a session that should be closely watched.

Good Luck 


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